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[2023-05-03 19:54:10]
CT-Vital - the first interferon product for animal feeding
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1. CT-Vital:

1.1. Powder for dairy cow and poultry
Interferon plays an important role in the first protective mechanism against viral infection before the body's immune mechanism
starts to act 12-15 days later after animals are infected. IFN is immediately formed in the body 5-10 hours later when the virus infection is initiated
and it lasts 5 days only.But the amount is not enough to suppress virus infection. This is why interferon shall be fed immediately
until the immune mechanism is activated in the body.

When Viral infection is detected in neighboring farms, then immediately starts to feed CT-Vital (powder) to animals

at 3-day interval for 3 months. You will experience very good results of protection.

In case animals are infected, CT-Vital will help animals to overcome the infection with the active treatment of medicines.

1.2: Syringe tube for oral administration for diarrhea of Calves - young animals

•For prevention of diarrhea: just after the calf is born, have to do oral administration 1 dose (10g) per day before and
after colostrum feeding, and additional 3rd dose administration later for make sure.

•When diarrhea occurred: Immediately oral admin. 1 dose (10g) per day for 3 days.  Most cases show positive results.
      If no improvement within a day, recommended to use this product together with an active treatment such as antibiotic medicine

    in 2022 - Experimental trials in 5 different dairy farms. Good results were proved as per the attached flyer

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